New Feature: Expense Receipts

by Andy Johnson

At Harpoon we’re always striving to make it as easy as possible to record, categorize, and track every expense your business incurs, as well as making it simple to share that data with your accountant come tax time. But what about those messy, paper expense receipts that accompany your purchases?

In the (hopefully) rare case of an audit you’ll want as much proof as you can generate for the expenses your business is trying to deduct. Which is why holding onto your paper receipts is important. Up until now maybe you’ve kept your receipts piled in a shoebox, or perhaps stuffed in a file folder somewhere.

Well starting today you can leave behind those unorganized piles of paper. We’ve added the ability to digitally attach those receipts to their respective expense records in Harpoon.

When creating or editing an expense you’ll see a new option for attaching a receipt.

Simply upload a photo of the receipt, save, and it’s now stored safely in your Harpoon account, connected to its respective expense record. No mess. No fuss.

And unlike your shoebox, you can take advantage of all of Harpoon’s filters and search tools to quickly find the expense record you’re looking for, which includes one-click access to the attached receipt.

We hope this simple feature gains you some extra space in your filing cabinets, and provides some peace of mind knowing you have easy access to the proof you need of the purchases your business has made.

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