
How do I customize my invoice settings?

There are two ways to customize your invoice settings: both globally and on a per invoice basis.

Global Invoice Settings

To customize your global default invoice settings visit your Invoice Settings screen.

Here you can customize the default invoice settings used for all new invoices you create. You’ll find options like company name and address, design customization, payment terms, and more.

Individual Invoice Settings

Sometimes you might need to create an invoice that has settings that are a bit different from your global default settings. Rather than change your global defaults for just one invoice you’re able to customize your settings on a per invoice basis. When creating or editing an invoice click on the Customize button in the upper right of your screen.

You’ll then be presented with a Customize Invoice form for the invoice.

Here you can override your global default invoice settings. Any changes made here will be applied to this invoice only.

To learn more about invoicing view the Invoices support articles.

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