
Can I change the language that appears on my invoices and estimates?

Yes. You can choose to have your invoices and estimates display to your clients in a variety of different languages. When creating or editing a client you’ll find a "Language" option. This option allows you to select the language that will be used for the invoices and estimates sent to your client.

This means that each client can have their own, separate language assigned to them if needed. You can also set a global default invoice/estimate language within the Miscellaneous section on your main Invoice & Estimates Settings screen.

Whichever language you select here will become the default language for each new client you create. And it’s important to note that your existing clients will not be affected by the changes you make to your global default language, only new clients. Your existing clients will retain the languages they’ve already been assigned.

While creating or editing an invoice or estimate you’ll continue to see the invoice in English, the native language of Harpoon’s interface. But after you save the invoice you’ll see it displayed in the language you’ve selected for your client.

To learn more about invoicing view our Invoicing support articles. To learn more about international support view our International Support articles.

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