
Am I going to hit my revenue goal for this year?

There are a few places in your Harpoon account that tell you if you’re on track to meeting your yearly revenue goal. First let's take a look at two Dashboard widgets that make this information easy to digest:

Accumulated Revenue to Date

This widget shows you exactly how much accumulated revenue you’ve received through the current month of the year, and compares it to where you should be (represented by the “Goal” stat) at this point in the year, and shows you the “Difference.” If you’re behind where you should be the difference will be a negative number which means you’re not on track to hitting your yearly revenue goal. If you’re ahead of where you should be the difference will be a positive number which means you’re on track to hitting your yearly revenue goal.

Revenue Forecast for This Year

Based on your current velocity Harpoon does its best to forecast how much revenue you might have by the end of the year. Like the Accumulated Revenue to Date widget described above, this forecast widget also displays the “Difference” between your forecasted revenue and your yearly revenue goal.

Schedule Progress Bar

At the top of your Schedule you'll find a yearly revenue goal progress bar. This displays how close you are to hitting your goal, and also provides a "Where you should be" marker. This marker is how much collected revenue Harpoon calculates you should’ve received at this point in the year in order to stay on track to meeting your yearly revenue goal by the end of the calendar year.

To learn more about the Dashboard view the Dashboard support articles.

To learn more about setting a yearly revenue goal view the Revenue Goal articles.

To learn more about using the Schedule view the Schedule articles.

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