
How do I know how much revenue I should be making every month?

Based on your yearly revenue goal Harpoon will provide a dynamic monthly revenue goal to aim for. Hitting this monthly revenue goal each month will keep you on track to hitting your yearly revenue goal by the end of the year. You can find your monthly revenue goal in a couple of places.

The first place you can look is on your Dashboard. There you’ll find a metrics widget called Revenue This Month.

This widget displays your progress towards your monthly revenue goal for the current month. The goal for the month is noted at the bottom of the widget (“Goal"), along with how far ahead or behind you are to meeting that goal (“Difference”).

The second place you can find your monthly revenue goal is at the bottom of your Schedule in the "Monthly Progress" row. Hovering over any month in this row will trigger a popup displaying what that month's goal is compared to how much revenue has actually been collected.

Note: Your monthly goal is dynamic, meaning that depending on how far ahead (or behind) you were last month to hitting your monthly goal Harpoon will automatically adjust the goal amount of the remaining months of the year accordingly.

To learn more about revenue goals view the Revenue Goals support articles.

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