
What do the different project statuses mean?

There are a variety of “statuses” a project can have. Each status represents the state of a project as it moves through its lifecycle. The statuses for a project are: Proposed, Active, On Hold, Completed, Canceled, and Archived.

These statuses affect the color coding of the project on your Schedule, some time-tracking behavior, as well as the project's visibility in certain places throughout the app:

  • Proposed: The project is still in the proposal phase and has not yet been officially approved by the client.
  • Active: The project has been approved and has not yet been completed.
  • On Hold: The project has been approved, but work on the project has been temporarily paused.
  • Completed: Work on the project has been completed. Note: Projects with this status will be removed from the "Project" menu on your Timers to help keep that menu manageable. But hours can still be manually added to a Completed project via the project's Project Details screen.
  • Canceled: The project has been canceled, but you'd still like to retain all the historical data of the project and have the project readily accessible from your main Projects screen. The Canceled status is a good alternative to permanently deleting a project. Note: Canceled projects will be removed from the "Project" menu on your Timers to help keep that menu manageable.
  • Archived: This status removes the project from your main list of projects, and removes the project from many of the "Project" menus throughout your Harpoon account. Archived projects can be accessed via the "Archived Projects" link at the bottom of your main Projects screen. Note: Setting a project's status to Archived does not affect your overall financial metrics in Harpoon. It simply "hides" the project from multiple views to help keep your account more manageable.

To learn more about projects visit the Projects support articles.

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